Friday, August 27, 2004
Well it's been a while... So this may take a while in itself...
Wow so much has happened since the last time I posted. I went and saw multiple concerts, I was in the hospital, I got my own store, etc...
Well July I think was a pretty bullshit month. Not really anything happened, and the things that did happen just pissed me off or made me more depressed. So Imma skip that.
Well, the beginning of August... I got my own store, and that sounds great right? ... Well once I finally got down there so much shit happened. I only had two people working for me, and one of them was a complete idiot, the other I already knew I had to fire before I got there. Well, I started getting really sic... and the one I needed to fire walked out on my day off, and I got really sic the next day and had to go to the hospital. Well, needless to say that fucking sucked, I had a nasty case of tonsilitis and had a 103 degree fever. Fun times. Well, the next day, on Beka's birthday nonetheless, I got out of the hospital. I have this knack for recovering from severe shit within days, I dunno what it is but I can Wolverine that shit! ;)
The next day was Ozzfest. GOOD TIMES HOLY SHIT! Saw so many good bands, and I got to meet Corey, Joey, and Craig from SlipKnoT. I was so happy to meet Corey and Joey it was ridiculous. I actually ended up seeing quite a few people I knew there, which was kinda strange... cuz there were SOOOOO many people and such a big venue it's odd to run into that many people by chance. After SlipKnoT, I hung out with my buddy Brian and chilled around talking about random shit, waiting to go to this party... well the jackass got home too late so no party. Damnit.
Well, now I come back to work, and it's me and Eric, the dumbass, and that is IT. On top of that, I have inventory and I more or less end up doing it by myself... 9500+ pieces to count, it wasn't fun let me tell you. So I need to get people in there fast. Well, thank god I got Enrique (my friend Rick I play Tekken with) down there two days later, and started learning and helping some with inventory on Wednesday.
The whole inventory thing, the fact that my store needed a makeover really bad, Eric not knowing what he is doing and blowing up my cell every 10 minutes, not having a full staff... It really wears on your nerves. You start to question why it is you are sticking through it all. And mind you, those are all work related, which does NOT take into account the other things that were/ARE on my mind and wearing away on me. It becomes very stressful, and your entire day you are thinking about work, or the other things, etc. and you totally forget what it is you were doing sometimes.
Well, now (a week after inventory lol) I have a full staff, a real fun staff I might add, and tons of shit got done this week. The store looks a thousand times better, did all the price checks, alphabetized everything, etc... she's looking real good. Well, now all I have to do is make sure sales are decent, make sure the store's upkeep is good, and that's about that.
Okay... so now work is out of the way. There are other things that wear on my nerves as well... and they are probably the reason why work is stressing me out so much. Because after these things I have little to no patience as it is, and work just... takes it over the top that's for sure. No these are the personal things, things that you cannot escape no matter where you are, what you do, or when you do it.
I really don't know what I should do with these things. I try to solve them and make them less complicated as the time goes by but nothing seems to work no matter what it is I try. The only thing that I do know is that I keep beating myself up over the same things over and over again and I am not learning anything from what is going on around me, I just keep repeating the same mistakes. I am slowly slipping into this "void" if you will, where I just stop caring completely. I notice it because I am starting to do what I want when I want regardless of consequence again. Sometimes I swear I have a solution to some of the problems, but the thing that twists it now is if I were to go that route, I dont think that would solve the problems, or I would turn away from it. Matter of fact I almost want to say that I would make it worse. So what exactly do I choose to do?
Regardless... I been on here TOO long.
Luv, Piece, and Chikin Greece.
Wow so much has happened since the last time I posted. I went and saw multiple concerts, I was in the hospital, I got my own store, etc...
Well July I think was a pretty bullshit month. Not really anything happened, and the things that did happen just pissed me off or made me more depressed. So Imma skip that.
Well, the beginning of August... I got my own store, and that sounds great right? ... Well once I finally got down there so much shit happened. I only had two people working for me, and one of them was a complete idiot, the other I already knew I had to fire before I got there. Well, I started getting really sic... and the one I needed to fire walked out on my day off, and I got really sic the next day and had to go to the hospital. Well, needless to say that fucking sucked, I had a nasty case of tonsilitis and had a 103 degree fever. Fun times. Well, the next day, on Beka's birthday nonetheless, I got out of the hospital. I have this knack for recovering from severe shit within days, I dunno what it is but I can Wolverine that shit! ;)
The next day was Ozzfest. GOOD TIMES HOLY SHIT! Saw so many good bands, and I got to meet Corey, Joey, and Craig from SlipKnoT. I was so happy to meet Corey and Joey it was ridiculous. I actually ended up seeing quite a few people I knew there, which was kinda strange... cuz there were SOOOOO many people and such a big venue it's odd to run into that many people by chance. After SlipKnoT, I hung out with my buddy Brian and chilled around talking about random shit, waiting to go to this party... well the jackass got home too late so no party. Damnit.
Well, now I come back to work, and it's me and Eric, the dumbass, and that is IT. On top of that, I have inventory and I more or less end up doing it by myself... 9500+ pieces to count, it wasn't fun let me tell you. So I need to get people in there fast. Well, thank god I got Enrique (my friend Rick I play Tekken with) down there two days later, and started learning and helping some with inventory on Wednesday.
The whole inventory thing, the fact that my store needed a makeover really bad, Eric not knowing what he is doing and blowing up my cell every 10 minutes, not having a full staff... It really wears on your nerves. You start to question why it is you are sticking through it all. And mind you, those are all work related, which does NOT take into account the other things that were/ARE on my mind and wearing away on me. It becomes very stressful, and your entire day you are thinking about work, or the other things, etc. and you totally forget what it is you were doing sometimes.
Well, now (a week after inventory lol) I have a full staff, a real fun staff I might add, and tons of shit got done this week. The store looks a thousand times better, did all the price checks, alphabetized everything, etc... she's looking real good. Well, now all I have to do is make sure sales are decent, make sure the store's upkeep is good, and that's about that.
Okay... so now work is out of the way. There are other things that wear on my nerves as well... and they are probably the reason why work is stressing me out so much. Because after these things I have little to no patience as it is, and work just... takes it over the top that's for sure. No these are the personal things, things that you cannot escape no matter where you are, what you do, or when you do it.
I really don't know what I should do with these things. I try to solve them and make them less complicated as the time goes by but nothing seems to work no matter what it is I try. The only thing that I do know is that I keep beating myself up over the same things over and over again and I am not learning anything from what is going on around me, I just keep repeating the same mistakes. I am slowly slipping into this "void" if you will, where I just stop caring completely. I notice it because I am starting to do what I want when I want regardless of consequence again. Sometimes I swear I have a solution to some of the problems, but the thing that twists it now is if I were to go that route, I dont think that would solve the problems, or I would turn away from it. Matter of fact I almost want to say that I would make it worse. So what exactly do I choose to do?
Regardless... I been on here TOO long.
Luv, Piece, and Chikin Greece.