
Saturday, November 20, 2004

I thought this was rather amusing...


a well known cellphone trojan? it's about time lol! they had to come out of the woodworks eventually.

Been playing alot of Halo 2 online... lots of fun, I try to use it to stay as stress-free as possible, because every second I think about my store it gets worse and worse. As my MSN name states, I put stress on backorder, and it's not even the holidays yet. There's so much going on, so much I feel like I have to worry about, it's just... you ever do EVERYTHING you can, and you can even see how well you're doing (ala the condition of my store) and you still feel like you aren't good enough? Like there's so much more to do? Sometimes it gets to the point where I wonder about my job itself... even though I do as much as possible, try to keep up with everything I can, it feels like I am falling short... by miles. And it's really getting worse, because now every little thing becomes yet another setback.

I don't mind the constant-neverending-work past shift-busting ass that I do, I mean sure I'd like to relax, but I like being able to reflect on my work. It's whether or not all the paperwork is correct, whether I have all the correct forms filled out, whether or not my staff can keep their heads from their asses and remember to fill out all the logs etc... I guess... I guess that it wouldn't be so bad if I had that reassurance that everything was gonna be alright, ya know? But because I swear something happens everytime I don't work, I am losing extreme amounts of faith in my staff sometimes... and two of them are friends who had NO job to boot!

If I knew it was going to be alright... if I had that faith that after all of it things will be good... I wouldn't be writing ANY of this right now. But, your job relies on your performance, and while my store is cleaner and more organized than ANY in my district GUARANTEED *like 1,1,2*, sometimes the sales aren't where they should be. Perhaps it is time to evaluate where my staff stands?

Shadow Hado v1

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